Wisdom Community CenterHouse Of Hope End Point Assessment Reasonable Adjustments And Special Considerations Policy And Procedure
- This policy aims to facilitate reasonable adjustments and special considerations which ensure a valid, reliable and manageable approach to supporting individuals with support needs during End-point Assessment. This policy will ensure clarity and consistency and support EPAs in applying appropriate and consistent judgements.
The Policy
Reasonable adjustments
- A reasonable adjustment relates to an adjustment that helps to reduce the effect of a disability or difficulty, which may place the apprentice at a disadvantage during the assessment process. It is important that reasonable adjustments do not affect the reliability or validity of assessment and they should not give the apprentice an advantage over other apprentices undertaking the same assessment.
- Employers/Training Providers should inform House Of Hope of any reasonable adjustments required to enable an apprentice to complete end-point assessment as soon as possible.
- In addition to this, House Of Hope will support apprentices by ensuring that:
- The reasonable adjustments provide apprentices with the opportunity to demonstrate attainment
- The reasonable adjustments compensate for any disadvantage imposed by the disability but
- do not otherwise advantage apprentices
- Any person using the certificate to identify an individual’s competence is not misled regarding
- the apprentice’s attainments
- The assessment is rigorous and fair
- The assessment activity is valid
- The assessment result is reliable
- The assessment is practically able to operate within available resources,
- Facilities and time allow apprentices to use any commercially available mechanical, electronic or other aids in order to demonstrate achievement so long as they reflect the apprentice’s normal ways of working and do not give the apprentice an unfair advantage
- House Of Hope may only reject applications in circumstances where:
- Any adjustment may constitute a serious safety hazard that cannot be reasonably overcome
- Training Providers/Employers are advised to seek clarification from House Of Hope in any case where they consider that they do not have the necessary expertise to judge whether a reasonable adjustment is required.
- Process for Reasonable Adjustments for apprentices undertaking End-point Assessment
- Acknowledge receipt of the request within 2 working days of the submission
- Review the application and evidence submitted
- Consult the End-point Assessment Reasonable Adjustments Policy and Procedure to confirm the type of adjustment required according to the disability or difficulty of the apprentice
- If necessary, discuss with the employer/training provider alternative arrangements that may be appropriate for specific situations.
- Confirm a decision regarding reasonable adjustments within 21 working days of acknowledging the request. The reasonable adjustments will be recapped at the gateway meeting
- Liaise with the employer/training provider to arrange for any specialist equipment/conditions to be available for the End-point assessment.
- Ensure the end-point assessment registration/recording system is updated with the agreed adjustment
- Ensure assessor is briefed and understands the adjustment granted.
- Ensure any required training is provided for the end-point assessor to accommodate the request
- Carry out assessment ensuring the reasonable adjustment is applied
- Appeals
- If an apprentice, for any reason, considers that they have been wrongly refused access to fair assessment and wishes to appeal, they should follow House Of Hope’s Appeals policy and procedure.
- If a Training Provider for any reason, considers that their apprentice(s) have been wrongly refused access to fair assessment and wish to appeal, they should follow House Of Hope’s Appeals policy and procedure.
- Procedures for applying reasonable adjustments
- This matrix supports the application of appropriate and consistent judgements and is based around the Higher Education Statistical Authority’s (HESA) disability grouping framework. Each of these difficulties/disabilities have then been overlaid with the listed assessment methods to ensure the most suitable adjustments are applied for each situation and for each assessment method determined in the assessment plan without changing the demands of the assessment.
- It is essential to use this matrix from an apprentice centered perspective on a case by case basis as each assessment will be subject to some variance within job role, employment context and apprentice support needs. The support need for a particular person will be unique to that individual and may not be listed as a need in the relevant category in the disability grouping framework. Therefore, there is some flexibility required when listing an adjustment against the disability as in order to support the specific need other adjustments may be required.
- The outcome produced by the apprentice must at all times:
- meet the requirements of the specifications regardless of the process or method used
- be as rigorous as assessment methods used with other apprentices
- be assessable
- be able to be moderated or verified
- Special consideration
- Special consideration is an allowance that takes place following assessment to accommodate temporary illness, injury or other indisposition that occurred at the time of the assessment. The adjustment made must be relatively small to ensure that the integrity of the assessment is maintained. Special considerations should be formally applied for – application forms are available on our system.
- Procedures for special considerations for apprentices undertaking End- point Assessment
- Special consideration may be applied for an apprentice who is fully prepared and present for a scheduled assessment as follows:
- Performance in the assessment is affected by circumstance beyond the control of the apprentice – for example, illness, injury, bereavement, serious disturbance during the assessment
- Reasonable adjustments agreed in advance of the assessment were inadequate or inappropriate
- Part of an assessment has been missed due to circumstances beyond the control of the apprentice
- Special consideration will not be applied in the following circumstances:
- Part of the assessment was missed due to personal arrangements, including unauthorised absence and holidays
- No evidence was supported by the employer/training provider indicating that an apprentice was affected by illness, injury, bereavement or other indisposition at the time of the assessment
- Difficulties experienced during the assessment – for example, building work, lack of facilities and staff shortages
- The following examples reflect where special consideration may be applied. Please note this list is not exhaustive:
- Incapacitating illness of the apprentice
- Serious injury affecting the apprentice
- Terminal illness of the apprentice
- Recent bereavement of a close family member or friend
- Terminal illness of a parent
- Serious domestic crisis
- Serious car accident
- Flare up of congenital illness (for example asthma, diabetes, epilepsy)
- Physical assault trauma
- In exceptional circumstances where an apprentice may not be able to complete all assessment requirements, the employer/training provider (on behalf of the apprentice) may submit a request to House Of Hope to make an aegrotat award. This is an award based on the performance of the learner in other related examinations and is also based on an estimate of the apprentice’s likely performance. The following considerations apply:
- Each case will be treated on an individual basis and will not be taken as a precedent for other situations
- The evidence required for the consideration of an aegrotat award includes the following;
- o A statement from the employer/training provider supporting the application
o Medical documentation identifying the period of illness, injury or indisposition
o Internal verification and assessment records showing apprentice progression - o External verification records showing apprentice progress, if available
- House Of Hope reserves the right to interview the apprentice
- The final decision to award an aegrotat will be made by House Of Hope’s Technical Assessment Manager and Head of Compliance.
- Applications must be requested from House Of Hope using the relevant application form, available on our system. Supporting information or evidence should be submitted with the application form – a doctor’s letter, medical certificate, a statement from the invigilator etc.
- Appeals
- If an apprentice, for any reason, considers that they have been wrongly refused access to fair assessment and wishes to appeal, they should follow the House Of Hope Appeals policy and procedure.
- If an employer/training provider, for any reason, considers that an apprentice has been wrongly refused access to fair assessment and wish to appeal, they should follow the House Of Hope Appeals policy and procedure.
Get In Touch
Wisdom Community Centre
Location: 168 High Rd, Chadwell Heath, Dagenham, Romford RM6 6LU, United Kingdom
Telephone: 02085973990
Mobile: 07883687099
Email: admin@bela.co.com